martedì 13 giugno 2023

bonne chance


La VERITÀ -se mai esistesse- non é mai come te la raccontano, né come te la aspetti ...
Per fortuna comunque, essa ... NON ESISTE affatto.


     Barack Obama & Silvio Berlusconi & Dmitry Medvedev

The TRUTH -if it ever existed- is never as they tell you it, nor as you expect it ... 
Luckily enough anyway ... it DOESN'T EXIST at all.



lunedì 1 maggio 2023

Google and Microsoft fight over the future of AI


Some people are worried about it ...
Some people are numb about it ...
Some people are idle about it ...
Some people are avid about it ... 

But ...


Almost nobody gets the point:

We (humans) will never be able to grab the very moment this particular thing will get outta hands ... 

It will -IN ANY CASE- be either too soon or too late ... for some.

Mr. Einstein and many others thought nuclear technology would be necessary to beat the nazis, so ending WWII ... and then there was the "Cold War" 
(whit its milllions and millions of "victims") ... and Mr. Oppenheimer reminded himself the (in)famous Hindu quote:

“Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds".

Will we (humans) ever find the "convenient moment" to do ... the right thing?






The ancient "mythological ethnologies" are considered obsolete by us "moderns" because they interpret the world in a way that is animistic and therefore "primitive", anti-scientific ... even "incomplete".

"Science as religion" is often cited in "literary salons" as an improbable paradox to joke about ... I wouldn't do it! ...

Science today has effectively become a religion, with its priests and its army and even its ... secret police.

Science and the relative "unconscious" force that makes it "acquit" its own "pontificating victims" is -in a (partially) unconscious way- preparing to become the very next ... "Holy Inquisition".

The ancient "mythological ethnologies", unlike us moderns, were indeed "primitive", yet they had grasped the ULTIMATE ESSENCE of the knowledge that our new "priests" of Science lack:

What for one of them (S. Wolfran) with a rare visionary ability defined with the term "Computational Irreducibility" and which the ancient "mythological wisdoms" have since the beginning ENGLOBATED: the "cyclical" essence of the world that surrounds us and that it must be safeguarded and protected as the most precious of goods.

The perennial search for something "resolutive" can only lead a society conceived in this way to self-destruction ...

In the ethnic mythologies of the remote past it was present in a vital core, which for them was to provide an explanation of reality and of the way already accomplished and therefore in its deepest form ... eco-sustainable.

While for us this is just one word among many others and like the others it can come and go according to fashions.

Every step that involved the change of traditions had to be explored with caution to evaluate the consequences not only for individuals, but also for the community and above all for the whole of Nature (today we would say for the ecosystem).

Don't take from Nature more than what you need to live, so as not to upset the order of things more than necessary: this is not primitive "animism" at all ...

This is a HIGHLY ADVANCED AND SOPHISTICATED "vision" OF NATURAL REALITY ... even at a cosmological level!!!

Something that has taken our "Scientific" society thousands of years to figure out... but have we really figured it out? ...

The "Computational Irreducibility" is telling us not to despise what - of the "Ancients" - we have not yet understood ... so well.




("Computational Irreducibility") ... What's that?

I'm not a mathematician, so I don't even dare to explain it.

I can tell you how I interpret its meaning form a layperson's point of view:

The Science we are used to provides us with all the things we are RAVENOUS about today thanks to the "scientific method", i.e.: the science as we know it as laypersons ...

Science is based on mathematics and on "assumptions", in turn mathematics is also based on "axioms", etc. All these "big words" can be translated - trivialized, if you want - in a synthetic way with the sentence:

"what we don't know ... we take for granted".

This is how Science proceeds: by CHEATING!

it's like when - playing solitaire - you ... peek (poke) at the cards.

In the sciences, the most widespread "trick" is to hazard predictions based on "APPROXIMATED" but often also (somehow even unawarely) arbitrary calculations ...

According to the principle of "Computational irreducibility", at least to some extent ... everything ends up being ARBITRARY ... SOONER OR LATER !!!

In what sense? ...


Science actually doesn't just "approximate" ... but ends up -more or less involuntarily- by DISTORT its results by "arbitrarily assuming" that part of what is being studied is irrelevant ...

It's like taking a road full of detours too fast to the point of missing a "turn" that could take us somewhere else altogether... and without even realizing it.


"Computational irreducibility" is the typical error of those who are ... always in a hurry to get there ... and instead will never arrive ... nowhere.




sabato 3 settembre 2022

Bon voyage! ...


Bon voyage! To you good and courageous people.
And infinite thanks, for having made known
to the Soviets what freedom is
and for having freed
-at least for some time-
the world from fear.

And don't worry at all
of those idiots who toast,
History will take care of them,
that same History that
will make You immortals.

Bon voyage! A voi brave e coraggiose persone.
E infinite grazie, per aver fatto conoscere
ai sovietici cosa sia la libertà
e per aver liberato
-almeno per qualche tempo-
il mondo dalla paura.

E non preoccupatevi affatto
di quegli imbecilli che brindano,
a loro penserà la Storia,
quella stessa Storia che
renderà Voi immortali.


lunedì 29 agosto 2022

Carpe Diem ...

Carpe Diem ..  

L'Italia é matura per essere governata da una donna. Nel qual caso dovete metterla alla prova.
Perché? ...
I maschi al governo -e le loro servette- non hanno fatto abbastanza guai? ...
Pensateci bene, donne!!! ... Le occasioni non si presentano a chi continui a sognare ... ma solo a chi sappia cogiere l'attimo.
Voi siete state appena derubate della Presidenza della Repubblica e, badate bene !!!!! ... In quel caso non c'erano "fiammelle" a costituire un "ostacolo insormontabile" ... non c'erano scuse plausibili ... Eppure le donne hanno tradito le donne e perso un'occasione storica per pura MESCHINA INVIDIA e RANCORE POLITICO ...
Se vi lascerete sfuggire anche questa occasione ... NON VENITE PIU' A LAMENTARVI ...
Portatevi dietro la mia benedizione e questa citazione:
«credo ch'un spirto del mio sangue pianga la colpa che là giù cotanto costa» (D.A.).
[Chi è causa del suo mal pianga sé stesso].


Italy is ripe to be ruled by a woman. In which case you have to test her.
Why? ...
Haven't the ruling males -and their maidservants- made enough damages? ...
Think about it, women !!! ... Opportunities do not present themselves to those who continue to daydream ... but only to those who know how to seize the moment.
You have just been robbed of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and, mind you !!!!! ... In that case there were no "li'l-flames" to constitute an "insurmountable obstacle" ... indeed there were no plausible excuses ... Yet women have betrayed women and lost a historic opportunity for pure PETTY JEALOUSY and POLITICAL GRUDGE ...
If you miss this opportunity too ... DO NOT COME TO COMPLAIN ANY MORE ...
Take my blessing and this quote with you:
"I believe that a spirit of my blood weeps for the guilt that costs so much down there" (D.A.).
[Who is the cause of their pain, cry themselves].



martedì 16 agosto 2022

Alla faccia di tutte le teste di cazzo ...

[ In the face of all them fucking dickheads ...]


mercoledì 16 febbraio 2022

The Upcoming Inquisition

Today it seems indisputable to rely more and more on the "certainties" that science guarantees us, be they theoretical, technological, medical and what have you ...

- Just as a religion based on love at its origins has since turned into a source of murderous, genocidal and warmongering fanaticism ...

- It is easy to see how even Science, which today seems focused on rationality in its choices, sooner or later runs the serious risk of transforming itself into a new INQUISITION ...

Starting from the signs of "fanaticism" that are already manifesting themselves in the Science community ...

Another "bad sign" is their tendency to invade the philosophers' territory with all the "weight" of their own languages ... in this way crushing to nought the right of every single human being to create their own philosophy from "whatever" starting point they see fit ... another tragic massifying convergence. 

As has always happened, the most fanatic will prevail over the moderates, who will adapt for the sake of the quiet life, and become accomplices in the madness of new potential pogroms.

The first step in this direction is always some form of social polarization and ideological extremization, which then leads to the demonization of the (so-defined) "enemy" and its identification as a danger for the whole society ... hence the hatred and thirst of revenge that leads to persecutions ...

Today against those who do not accept a vaccine and ... tomorrow against those who do not adapt to the current "standard program".

Science as such has no "truth" to bestow upon us ... It is just a "method" of research and analysis, not one to draw conclusions ... If it did it would already be on a bad road ...

Remember how the first Christians were in the origins, and how they became when they eventually got in power ... Remember what they did to their own "kin" and above all to the peoples colonized in South America ... but above all keep in mind how easy it was for them ... to indulge in "divine forgiveness" to themselves in "modern" times.

There is no way to know the sooner, though by the time we'll have found out ... someone may already have ... paid a high price to it.  

But of course ... "Nemo propheta in patria" ... (*)


(*) No one is a prophet in their own country.



venerdì 11 febbraio 2022

WARNING! This video is in no way intended as a political support for any particular political party


[“fra tutti i politici italiani senza palle, emerge gloriosa una donna con due gran MELONI  …  e pure con i contro … fiocchi”.] (*)


Note: This video excerpt is from a probably longer interview I found in another blog by chance, and I don't know its origin, nor the original context.


This post refers to the two previous ones on the same subject.

From my point of view, in this case NON-POLITICAL, it is just an example to refer to what I have already exposed in other previous blogs, which I will talk about later.

In what sense do I say "NON-POLITICAL", it is important to clarify it: In the past I have never passed even close to the political ideas to which Ms. Meloni belongs to, nor would I ever do it for a few thousands of reasons, not least that I'm an agnostic in the most significant and broad sense, and even skeptical of agnoticism itself ...
So it is obvious that there can be no political and / or cultural affinity between us. However, I have respect for the ideas of others, as long as they are civilly expressed and duly debated.

I know that these arguments "leave the time they find" (for the English i.e.: "they make no difference") among those who have the habit of resorting to insult rather than reasoning and unfortunately there are more and more ... I hope that some "survivors", among those still able to confront, may appreciate this clarification.

Let's move on to the reasons why I recommend the visions of this useful and instructive video, far beyond any of the "party" political aspects.

In Italy, BUT NOT ONLY !! ... Politics no longer has any horizon, it is folded in on itself and simply is no longer up -if it ever was- to govern a country ... not even in a "Monopoly" game ...

And this is nothing! ... It is precisely the "cultural" level that does not allow it! ... but it would be too long to explain exactly why. It would be necessary to retrace this country recent and past history ... To cut it short, let's say that it is now increasingly evident that this is a country that has got ... NO BALLS.

In this context -and afaic only in this one- the video in question should be seen as an example of what it means -in "old fashion" metaphorical sense- to "HAVE THE BALLS" ... if I am allowed a purely MYTHOLOGICAL reference ...

Maybe by now we should finally change our metaphors ... once and for all ... Maybe we should say instead ... shall we say ...

... to have the ...

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Credits: Giorgia Meloni's interview (
Journalist, Politician, Member of the Italian Parliament).



(*) "... among all the Italian politicians without balls, a glorious woman emerges with two great MELONI (melons) ... and even with both jibs and the outer jib!". 

