Today it seems indisputable to rely more and more on the "certainties" that science guarantees us, be they theoretical, technological, medical and what have you ...
- Just as a religion based on love at its origins has since turned into a source of murderous, genocidal and warmongering fanaticism ...
- It is easy to see how even Science, which today seems focused on rationality in its choices, sooner or later runs the serious risk of transforming itself into a new INQUISITION ...
Starting from the signs of "fanaticism" that are already manifesting themselves in the Science community ...
Another "bad sign" is their tendency to invade the philosophers' territory with all the "weight" of their own languages ... in this way crushing to nought the right of every single human being to create their own philosophy from "whatever" starting point they see fit ... another tragic massifying convergence.
As has always happened, the most fanatic will prevail over the moderates, who will adapt for the sake of the quiet life, and become accomplices in the madness of new potential pogroms.
The first step in this direction is always some form of social polarization and ideological extremization, which then leads to the demonization of the (so-defined) "enemy" and its identification as a danger for the whole society ... hence the hatred and thirst of revenge that leads to persecutions ...
Today against those who do not accept a vaccine and ... tomorrow against those who do not adapt to the current "standard program".
Science as such has no "truth" to bestow upon us ... It is just a "method" of research and analysis, not one to draw conclusions ... If it did it would already be on a bad road ...
Remember how the first Christians were in the origins, and how they became when they eventually got in power ... Remember what they did to their own "kin" and above all to the peoples colonized in South America ... but above all keep in mind how easy it was for them ... to indulge in "divine forgiveness" to themselves in "modern" times.
There is no way to know the sooner, though by the time we'll have found out ... someone may already have ... paid a high price to it.
But of course ... "Nemo propheta in patria" ... (*)
(*) No one is a prophet in their own country.