lunedì 30 novembre 2020
venerdì 28 agosto 2020
Calling Bullsh*t ...
Calling Bullsh*t - By Carl Bergstrom & Jevin West — Review - Aug 28, 2020 - GrrlScientist
A useful and
accessible guide to how to think critically about the information and research
that we read about in the news and on social media.
“Nothing that you
will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use
to you [thereafter], save only this, that if you work hard and intelligently
you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that, in my view,
is the main, if not sole, purpose of education.” —
Idealist philosopher John Alexander Smith (1863 – 1939).
Spin. Fake News. Conspiracy theories. Lies. We are daily confronted with a
stinking quagmire of misinformation, disinformation and fact-free drivel. How
do we sort the truth from the lies? This is the premise of the timely new book,
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a
Data-Driven World (Allen Lane/Random
House, 2020), a book that effectively acts as a field guide to the
art of critical thinking.
The authors
are expert guides. Carl Bergstrom is a theoretical and evolutionary biologist
who researches how information flows through biological and social networks.
Jevin West is a data scientist who studies misinformation in science and
society. Together, they teach a popular undergraduate class offered under the
same name by the University of Washington.
This book, a
distillation of that course, presents a mix of amusing anecdotes, timely news
stories and accessible explanations of scientific and medical data. You do not
need to be a professional statistician or some other sort of mathematical
wizard, nor must you invest weeks into fact-checking to see through most nonsense.
Instead, the authors argue, assessing the accuracy of a particular claim using
basic logic, augmented (where necessary) with information that can be easily
retrieved by an online search engine is sufficient to “call bullshit”.
The authors point out that creating bullshit is easier
and often simpler than speaking the truth. That is why BS is accepted as truth.
Italian software engineer, Alberto Brandolini perhaps said it best when he
noted in 2014 that “the amount of energy required to refute bullshit is an
order of magnitude bigger than [that needed] to produce it”, which explains why
there is so much baloney in the world. Uriel Fanelli helpfully observed that
“an idiot can create more BS than you could ever hope to refute.”
So why bother
“calling bullshit”? As the authors assert, adequate bullshit detection is
essential for the survival of democracy. Regardless of political ideologies,
democracy has always relied on a critically thinking electorate, and this
intellectual skill is more important than ever in this modern age of online
information warfare. It also is critically important for proper functioning of
any social group, whether it is a small group of friends or some other social
group, or a professional community.
This book
teaches us how to identify the various forms of new-school bullshit: how to
evaluate scientific claims, to distinguish between correlation and causation,
to recognize biased and unrepresentative data and small sample sizes, to identify
selection biases in samples, to understand how data can be manipulated
visually, and more. They also include lots of graphs and other data images so
you can practice spotting screwy data representations yourself. Whether you are
confused by the anti-vax movement, which grew out of a single retracted medical
study, to the claim that Artificial Intelligence can infer sexual orientation
from analyzing a photograph of a person’s face, there is no shortage of nutty
ideas out there to contemplate and dissect.
The book ends
with two empowering chapters on how to spot and refute nonsense and, more
importantly, how to do so in a useful and constructive way.
despite the authors’ assertion that proper fact-checking is essential, the book
only has an alphabetized reference list for each chapter in the back of the
book, leaving interested readers to scratch their collective heads as they try
to deduce which statement should be attributed to which source. And although
mistakes do inevitably creep in during the writing and editing process, I was
surprised that the letter M in the commonly used acronym, STEM, was erroneously
attributed to medicine, instead of mathematics. And yes, I was disappointed by
the poor quality paper that the book was printed on.
Despite my
complaints (some of which are probably beyond the authors’ control), Calling Bullshit presents
a thoughtful, careful and often amusing deconstruction about how to spot and
disprove nonsense. It should be required reading for high school and university
students as well as for any thinking person trying to make sense of these weird
times and who is working to identify questionable news sources and stories, and
navigate their way around social media.
See also video lessons: Calling Bullshit - Spring
2017 .
lunedì 29 giugno 2020
... above the table, under the table ...
... above the table, under the table ...
P.S. " ... It never happens that the "under the table" can just be explained on a daily basis (to the unwary) ... This is something that will be explained by historians. ..." (Gianni DeMichelis)
P.S.+ This is only a summary translation for use by those who don't speak Italian.
In this memorable interview released before he died, President Emeritus Cossiga (*) describes his experiences during the most difficult years of Italy, the last years of the "Cold War".
On the -still controversial- story of the DC-9 Itavia (shot down with 81 passengers in 1980) he wanted to provide his version of events, if only to return at least some truth to those whom it has been denied.
Although it is not possible to take for granted his explanation in the absence of a final verdict - in the appropriate fora - it is important to hear the testimony of those who lived that atmosphere at the highest levels, together with that of other important protagonists of that period and of those tragedies.
Not being in the position of translating the entire text, I will make an extract of the highlights. The interview appeared -at least in part- on Italian television networks, but it does not appear that it is well known in its entirety, however there is a book and a DVD on the subject.
The President begins by stating, as a premise, with a peremptory statement:
"French Secret Service is one of the most ruthless organizations in the world."
"They stop at nothing ... In the days of the (Liberal !! ...) President Mitterand, he had a plane (of pacifist protesters) shot down with 4 people on board because they contested the French nuclear tests in the Pacific".
"Italy had to expel the head of the French Sevices from our country because they used to hunt the Algerians and simpply kill them ... on our territory ...".
"According to what I remember, the ITAVIA DC-9 was shot down by a French Navy fighter that took off from an aircraft carrier and fired aiming for a Libyan MIG in a 'hidden' flight (with the transponder off) very close to the civilian plane, and in which the Libyan leader (terrorist, ie: Lockerbie, PanAm-103) Gaddafi purportedly traveled.
Cossiga also claims that: "... apparently, the pilot, once he returned and discovered the error, would later commit suicide."
In the continuation of the service, the investigating magistrate Priore - who formalized this hypothesis at the time - also appears, according to which these reckless behaviors could hardly ever be recognized by governments and lead to some clear and honest admission: There were (are?! ...) political and strategical choices behind this tragedy and you know, the ... 'raison d'État' oblige ...
Toward the end, the former Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) Gianni DeMichelis is interviewed, and he explains that this hypothesis - although not definitively proven - is perfectly plausible, especially in view of those years and -with bitterness- he adds an account of it on the basis of that type of mindset (that cannot be ruled out even today): There is a truth we are dealing with 'above the table', and one - that we obviously cannot talk about- that takes place 'under the table' ... We certainly cannot openly tell this truths ... it is not up to us ... it is only a duty for historians.
(*) The President Emeritus Francesco Cossiga: former Secretary of Homeland Security (Interior Ministry), Prime Minister, and President of the Republic.
lunedì 4 maggio 2020
They have deliberately hidden the cure for Covid ...
They have deliberately hidden the cure for Covid ... Is it perhaps because it is completely at "zero costs" ?! ... or is it? ...
Quote from original Italian article, from "":
"We have the cure for Covid at no cost, but we have been disparaged and hindered"
by Roberto Lunghi. The Head Physician of Mantua Hospital: “With plasma excellent results, but someone does not like it. Sicily white zone " - VIDEO - Date: Monday 04 May 2020 - in Sicily
The plasma of the cured by coronavirus, rich in antibodies, as a cure for the seriously ill. The news had been beaten by the agencies at the end of March, with the announcement that the hospitals of Mantua and Pavia stood as the leader of the practice that dates back to "Spanish influenza" times, that is 100 years ago, with subsequent appeals also in more recent times.
From then on there was almost the silence of the scientific world that took turns in the most well-known salons of national televisions, on a practice that, before being defined interesting by the ISS, had to go through the delegitimization of its supporters and the questioned the safety of the plasma, and then went on to argue, as recently done by Roberto Burioni, that the creation of a synthetic plasma would be desirable.
Social media has received compact support for Giuseppe De Donno, head of the Pneumology department of the Mantua hospital, as well as for Giulio Tarro, the internationally renowned virologist who considers hyperimmune plasma the only real remedy for the seriously ill.
Thematic groups were born, where, as often on these occasions, there is the risk of running into news that it would always be important to verify, such as that relating to an incursion of the Nas to the hospital of Mantua, which De Donno himself denies us at telephone: "If the Nas had come I would have been the first to make it known".
Plasma, for De Donno “is democratic because it belongs to the people. Probably someone will not like it - he added - but it is the greatest gesture of solidarity ", moreover at no cost. “We managed in Mantua, together with Pavia, to carry out this experimentation which is very serious. We tried to find a magic weapon - he explains - that would allow us to save as many people as possible. We never said that we created something new, we perfected an idea that already existed ".
The protocol, he stresses, “is very ambitious. Between Mantua and Pavia we treated nearly 80 patients with plasma. Of all these patients, who had serious but not very serious respiratory problems, none have died, the mortality of our protocol so far is zero ".
Donors, he specifies, “must have fundamental characteristics: they must be donors cured of coronavirus. Healing is ascertained with two sequential swabs and the diagnosis must have been made with a positive swab. These healed donors give us 600 ml of blood. " Now however, "every time we have to ask for authorization from the Ethics Committee and this - he says - is a huge impediment because it makes us waste precious time to save people".
Plasma, he explains, “can be frozen and last up to 6 months in storage, so we created a plasma bank in Mantua. We also manage to help other hospitals that are asking us for help. By creating plasma banks around Italy - concludes De Donno - we will be able to stem a possible second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic ".
On Sicily Professor De Donno is very optimistic: “I think the government of the Region has worked well, making the island a 'white area', but if you decide to adopt plasma therapy in your hospitals, pending the creation of your donor bank, we would be able to cover your needs "
Video credits: Telecolor (Through "lasiciliaweb")
Now things are getting rapidly clearer, my chicks ... I'm going here-by to explain what is going on, and why earlier on I've warned you about it … We are going to talk about the impending / incumbent -so called- PARADIGM SHIFT, in the workings and logic of the web.
Taking (maybe…) advantage of the chaos caused by the COV19 (random or intended it were), the great OWNERS of the web are resetting the whole logic of the system, with the consequence of eliminating all -and every single- space of "freedom"... even minimal.
It was a long-term project; don't think for a moment that there is something improvised, or random.
For some time now, every time you CLICK on something on a site ANY ... I say EVERY SINGLE TIME ... the relative information are FIRST OF ALL stored in one or more PROFILES (i.e.: a BOOKING (filing, archiving, cataloging, profiling ... you name it) –new, or the update of an already existing one- and related to YOUR PERSON and / or GROUP and / or GROUPS. This is possible thanks to the information that -in a more or less conscious way- YOU yourself provide to the (GLOBAL) COMPUTER SYSTEM which monitors ALL THE NETWORK TRAFFIC (with the DECLARED purpose of protecting us from terrorism and other similar "sweetened truths") …
I'm not here to dispute the veracity of this concept; I leave this to fans of conspiracy theories.
Regardless of public statements ... PRIVACY DOES NOT EXIST! ... If it ever existed in the past ...
OUR PERSONAL DATA, not only are them in the hands of large IT groups, but are also on the market, constantly AT AUCTION.
The most valuable ones are however available to the various TOP INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES of governments with "sufficient means".
Do not read beyond this point, if you you don't want to know how, in detail all this is - NOT ONLY POSSIBLE. but also REAL.
There are various phases to understand and the process has been going on for a long time, under the label of "MARKET RESEARCH", which have always existed in practice, but which over time have been "optimized", not only to UNDERSTAND the tastes of consumers but - where possible - to influence them and also to guide them ... and with an undisguised desire to ... CONTROL them.
In order to achieve this, with the advent of modern computers (more or less SUPER), the so-called "DATA MINING", which is only a graceful way of saying: WE STEAL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION BUT WE DO IT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD (... you deluded little suckers ...); the part in brackets indicates the inside of the “thought-cloud” of our "INSTITUTIONAL MANIPULATORS"...
Remember that no one could do these things without the ACTIVE and / or PASSIVE complicity of the various governments.
The information collected in this way (DATA MINING) is not piled up in a landfill, or in a chaotic archive ... perhaps this happened in the past ... and obviously then - to understand something - it took years of work by countless "psychologists" , to catalog them and give them a complete meaning ... and perhaps this eventually happened when the customers were long dead ... TIMES GONE, I'm afraid ...
Today everything is instantaneous: WE ARE ALL statistically "NAILED" to ... OUR "INTERNET ADDRESS".
All the information collected is IMMEDIATELY cataloged not only by interest groups (THEIR INTEREST NOT OURS !!) and this for some time, but especially with the advent of current Smartphones,
EVERYONE OF US WILL HAVE ITS OWN DATA UPDATED IN ITS OWN INDIVIDUAL CARD ... DIRECTLY ... no waste of time ... as soon as you change tastes, for example, the computer system knows it even before you do! ... YOU NEED TO "SEARCH" before "BUY" and more and more often the system "OFFERS" you what you want and if it finds a change in YOUR "--
HUMAN--"... ehem! ... I correct myself ... "COMMERCIAL" BEHAVIOR ... in real time it is able to modify the offers so as not to LOSE THE "CONTACT" ... OFFERING YOU -thanks to what it "knows" about you- all the options it wants to orient you to, in your decisions.---
All this appears magical, but it is not ... it is just TRAGIC! ... Here's how it works:
The DATA MINING (DM) as mentioned constantly / instantly supplies the updated "database" AT YOUR LAST CLICK (searches, page changes, emails, chats, porn tastes, type of toilet paper, medicines, various advice, TV programs, newspapers and political ideas, culture, etc., etc. ...) ... all ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR IP ADDRESS BUT ALSO WITH YOUR "GEROGRAPHIC POSITION" !!! ... and ... YOUR GPS !! ... you forgot that, right ?! ...
Paradoxically, if the system discovers that you are buying competitor toilet paper it could - knowing your GPS coordinates - shoot you a missile - or give you an electric shock at the first opportunity - to teach you that YOU SHOULD NOT DISOBEY THE SYSTEM!
This is what I (and not just me!) glimpse, as we move towards the so-called "INTERNET OF THINGS".
Let's go back to our discussion: Is the DM's real-time data still there? ... Where are the psychologists you mentioned? ...
Aah! ... outdated stuff ... The purpose of the DM is to pass information - always in real time - to so-called AI systems
(Artificial Intelligence, as they tell us in the films ...), these systems are among the most advanced and most in rapid (exponential) evolution of our current world ... the reason? ... It serves the various Intelligence Agencies and the Military Complex to prepare and -they hope!- to fight and -possibly- win future ... wars.
However these systems are developed (as well as by universities and other more or less secret institutions) also to a large extent by "private groups", who often have their discretionary use.
The use for private / commercial purposes certainly cannot be controlled –not even if they really wanted!- and therefore fake laws are made (such as those on privacy) to reassure the public with a sort of ... placebo effect.
Now we have outlined only the scenario and the past history, now let's see how it is developing and how it will develop:
The good old free web is now dead, everything that previously could be consulted freely - pay attention to it - now IT FORCES US !!! ... IT DOES FORCE US! ... -if we want to go on- to "identify ourselves" (i.e.: to do some kind of login) and once we're "logged in" (or got hanged ...) ...
FREEDOM IS OVER TODAY (yesterday, tomorrow, in three days, you name it ...) it is not important to establish the details of a catastrophe, the only count that makes sense is the number of victims ... and it's easy: ALL.
The moment you "log in", the system identifies and locates you (day, time and place, and is already the first set of information about your habits, by now (the system, boss Zuck, the mob ... ) doesn't know if you've already emptied your bowels or not ... but don't despair it will) ...
From that moment on, every YOUR "action" is added in the database-DM, in your personal file (I know not to exaggerate defining it "personal anamnesis", but let's postpone ...), which instantly passes to the A.I. (this is an archipelago so vast of H&S technologies that I certainly can't summarize you, but you have the internet, so ...).
The processing skills are far beyond the imagination of mere mortals, including myself, especially for the technical aspects and various details (forget science fiction! And Star Trek computers, THAT IS NOT THE REALITY! ... unless you wanna go on barking up the wrong tree ...), but we don't need all this, I just want to paraphrase for you the words of a "mentor" you already know about:
Ora le cose stanno diventando rapidamente più chiare, care le mie ragazze ... Vado qui a spiegare cosa sta succedendo, e perché prima vi ho avvertito su questo ... Parleremo dell'imminente / incombente -cosiddetto- "PARADIGM SHIFT", nel funzionamento e nelle logiche del web.
Approfittando (forse …) del caos dovuto al COV19 (casuale o voluto che sia stato), i grandi PADRONI del web stanno reimpostando l'intera logica del sistema, con la conseguenza di eliminare tutti -ed ogni singolo- spazio di "libertà" ... anche minimo.
E' stato un progetto di lungo corso, non pensiate per un attimo che ci sia qualcosa di improvvisato, o casuale.
Già da tempo, ogni volta che CLICCATE su qualcosa in un sito QUALUNQUE ... dico OGNI SINGOLA VOLTA ... le informazioni relative vengono PRIMA DI TUTTO memorizzate in uno o più PROFILI (ovvero avviene una SCHEDATURA (tecnica di archiviazione, catalogazione, profilazione ... decidi tu ) -nuova o l'aggiornamento di una già esitente- e relativa alla VOSTRA PERSONA e/o GRUPPO e/o GRUPPI. Questo è possibile grazie alle informazioni che - in modo più o meno consapevole- VOI stessi fornite al SISTEMA INFORMATICO (GLOBALE) che tiene sotto supervisone TUTTO IL TRAFFICO DI RETE (con lo scopo DICHIARATO di proteggerci dal terrorismo e altre simili "verità edulcorate") ...
Non sono qui a contestare la veridicità di questo concetto, questo lo lascio fare agli appassionati di teorie complottistiche.
A prescindere dalle dichiarazioni pubbliche ... LA PRIVACY NON ESISTE! ... Se mai è esistita in passato ....
I NOSTRI DATI PERSONALI, non solo sono nelle mani dei grandi gruppi informatici, ma sono anche sul mercato, costantemente ALL'ASTA.
Quelli più preziosi sono comunque a disposizione delle varie TOP INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES dei governi con "mezzi sufficienti".
Non leggete oltre questo punto, se non volete sapere come, nel dettaglio tutto ciò sia -NON SOLO POSSIBILE- ma anche REALE.
Ci sono varie fasi da capire e il processo avviene gia da tempo, sotto l'etichetta delle "RICERCHE DI MERCATO", che sono sempre esitite in pratica, ma che nel corso del tempo si sono "ottimizzate", non solo per CAPIRE i gusti dei consumatori ma -laddove possibile- di influenzarli ed anche di orientarli ... con il malcelato desiderio di ... CONTROLLARLI.
Per poter ottenere ciò, con l'avvento dei moderni computer (più o meno SUPER) si passati al cosiddetto "DATA MINING", che è solo un modo aggraziato per dire: VI RUBIAMO INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI MA LO FACCIAMO PER IL VOSTRO BENE (... o piccoli babbei illusi ...); la parte tra parentesi indica la nuvoletta con dentro i pensieri dei nostri "MANIPOLATORI ISTITUZIONALI" ...
Ricordate che nessuno potrebbe fare queste cose senza la complicità ATTIVA e/o PASSIVA dei vari governi.
Le informazioni così raccolte (DATA MINING) non sono ammucchiate in una discarica, o in un archivio caotico ... forse questo avveniva in passato ... e ovviamnte poi -per capirci qualcosa- si ci volevano anni di lavoro di innumerevoli "psicologhi", per cataogarle e dar lor un senso compiuto ... e magari ciò avveniva quando ormai i clienti erano morti da un pezzo ... TEMPI ANDATI, temo ...
Oggi è tutto istantaneo: SIAMO TUTTI statisticamente "INCHIODATI" al ... NOSTRO "INDIRIZZO INTERNET".
Tutte le informazioni raccolte vemgono catalogate IMMEDIATAMENTE non solo per gruppi di interesse (IL LORO INTERESSE NON IL NOSTRO!!) e questo da tempo, ma con soprattuto con l'avvento degli Smartphone attuali,
OGNUNO DI NOI avrà I PROPRI DATI AGGIORNATI NELLA PROPRIA INDIVIDUALE SCHEDA ... DIRETTAMENTE ... nessuna perdita di tempo ... appena cambiate gusti, per fare un esempio, il sistema informatico lo sa anche prima di voi stessi! ... VOI DOVRETE necessariamente "CERCARE" prima di "COMPRARE" e sempre più spesso il sistema vi "OFFRE" quello che volete e se riscontra un cambiamento nel VOSTRO COMPORTAMENTO "--
UMANO--" ... ehem!... mi correggo ... "COMMERCIALE" ... in tempo reale è in grado di modificare le offerte per non PERDERE IL "CONTATTO" ... OFFRENDOVI -grazie a quello che "SA" di voi- tutte le opzioni su cui vorrà ORIENTARVI.---
Tutto questo appare magico, ma non lo è ... bensì è solo TRAGICO! ... Ecco come funziona:
Il DATA MINING (DM) come detto forisce costantemente/istantaneamente il "database" aggiornato AL VOSTRO ULTIMO CLICK (ricerche, cambi di pagina, mail, chat, gusti porno, tipo di carta igienica, medicinali, consigli vari, programmi TV, giornali e idee politiche, cultura, etc., etc. ...) ... il tutto ASSOCIATO AL VOSTRO INDIRIZZO IP MA ANCHE ALL VOSTRA "POSIZIONE GEROGRAFICA" !!! ... e ... IL VOSTRO GPS !! ... ve l'avevate dimenticato quello, vero?! ...
Paradossalmente, se il sistema scopre che comprate la carta igenica della concorrenza potrebbe -sapendo le vostre coordinate GPS-
spararvi un missile -o darvi una scossa elettrica alla prima occasione- per insegnarvi che NON SI DEVE DISUBBIDIRE AL SISTEMA!
E' questo che io (e non solo io!) intravvedo, mentre ci avviamo al cosiddetto "INTERNET DELLE COSE".
Torniamo al nostro discorso: I dati in tempo reale del DM sono forse lì fermi? ... Dove sono gli psicologi di cui si dieceva? ...
Aah! ... roba superata ... Lo scopo del DM è passare le informazioni -sempre in tempo reale- ai cosiddetti sistemi AI (Intelligenza Artificiale, come ce la raccontano nei film...), questi sistemi sono fra gli oggetti tecnologici più evoluti e più in rapida (esponenziale) evoluzione del nostro attuale mondo ... la ragione? ... servono alle varie Agenzie di Intelligence e ai Militari per predisporre e -loro sperano!- per combattere e, forse, vincere future ... guerre.
Tuttavia questi sistemi sono sviluppati (oltrechè dalle Università e altre istituzioni più o meno segrete) anche in gran parte da "privati" i quali ne detengono spesso l'uso discrezionale.
L'uso a fini privati/commerciale non può certo essere -anche volendo!- controllato e quindi si fanno leggi-fake (come quelle sulla privacy) per rassicurare il pubblico con una sorta di ... effetto placebo.
Ora abbiamo delineato solo lo scenario e la storia passata, adesso vediamo come si sta sviluppando e come si svilupperà:
Il buon vecchio web libero è ormai morto, tutto quello che prima poteva essere consultato liberamente -fateci caso- adesso ci OBBLIGA !!! ... CI OBBLIGA! ... se vogliamo andare avanti a "identificarci" (ovvero a fare un qualche tipo di login) e una volta "loggati" (o impiccati ...) ...
LA LIBERTA' E' FINITA OGGI (ieri, domani, fra tre giorni, fate voi ...) è poco importante stabilre i dettagli di una catastrofe,
l'unico conteggio che abbia senso è il numero delle vittime ... ed è facile: TUTTI.
Nel momento stesso in cui vi "loggate", il sistema vi indentifica e vi localizza (giorno,ora e luogo, ed è già il primo set di
informazione sulle vostre abitudini, per ora non sa se siete già andati corpo, però ... ma non disperate lo farà) ...
Da quel momento in poi, ogni VOSTRA "azione" viene aggiunta nel database-DM, nella vostra scheda personale (so di non esagerare definendola "anamnesi personale", ma soprassediamo ...), che passa istantaneamente all'elaborazione A.I. (questo è un arcipelago talmente vasto di tecnologie H&S di cui non posso certo farvi riassunti, ma avete internet, quindi ...).
Le capacità elaborative sono ben al di là dell'immaginazione dei comuni mortali, me compreso, specie per gli aspetti tecnici e i dettagli vari (scordatevi la fantascienza! e i computer di Star Trek, NON E' QUELLA LA REALTA'! ... a meno che non vogliate acquistare Fischi per Fiaschi ...), ma a noi tutto questo non serve, voglio solo parafrasare per voi le parole di un "mentore" di cui già sapete:
That's -I'm afraid- NOT all Folks! ...