giovedì 18 luglio 2019
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Se la Scienza oggi ci propone concetti come Energia Oscura (Dark Energy), Materia Oscura (Dark Matter), Flusso Oscuro (Dark Flow) e solo di recente ci ha quasi certamente graziato dalle einsteniane Variabili Nascoste (o come si direbbe oggi Variabili Oscure) ... ci permettiamo di rispondere col contraltare della nostra decisamente olistica Fantascienza Oscura (Dark Science Fiction) ... augurandoci che i dadi, chiunque li lanci, non debbano caderci in testa ...
Dark Science Fiction
" ... The regressive characters [prominent clitoris] present in some individuals of our species would seem to indicate that - in earlier times - it is possible that there existed an alternative "gender" to the female one, which today is the only present in our perfectly evolved society.
We paleontologists suppose that - in those days - there could be conflicts and some form of competition between the two genders ... And even that there may have been periods in which one of the two genders prevailed over the other! ...
Today, we have no more memory of those primitive eras, in our society there is only one gender, and perhaps - from what the fossil record tells us - it is indeed thanks to this that we know neither wars nor conflicts. ... " (*)
(*) Excerpt from :"Treatise of Evolutionary Paleontology" (Chapter IV, page 257) - D.S.F. Editions.